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Summer in Alberta

Chinook Lake in Crowsnest Pass

There’s nothing quite like an Alberta summer (especially after an Alberta winter)! It’s a time for enjoying nature, lounging by the pool, playing with friends, and family bonding. All crammed into our three months of hopeful heat.

We write about summer and things you can do in the summer a lot at Alberta Mamas! It’s a season that Moms seem to focus on, with kids out of school for a large portion of it. There is so much going on!

Whether you’re looking for ideas at home or away, stories from the parenting trenches, or even a bit of gardening advice, scroll down – we’ve got something for you.


We have written so much about camping in Alberta that we’ve devoted an entire page to camping posts we’ve written. Here are just a few of our most popular and useful posts to get you started:


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