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All the Alberta Mamas’ Recipe Posts!

Turkey dinner on the table

As busy moms juggling endless tasks, we know that meal time is often just one more box to tick. To help with that, we’ve created a collection of our favourite recipes. From school lunches and quick dinners to potluck gatherings and camping trips, our recipes flex for all of life’s moments.

Food is more than just sustenance. It brings our families together where we can share our days and create lasting memories. Whether you’re whipping up breakfast before school or preparing a fabulous holiday feast, we’ve got you covered with practical, delicious options that your family will love.

Explore our recipe posts to find practical, no-fuss meal ideas that fit into your busy life. Let’s reduce the daily cooking stress, and make meals less of a hassle.

Food for School Days

Need some fresh inspiration for school day meals? We’ve rounded up some of our top tips for everything from the start of the year to those last days when you wish a simple PB&J didn’t break the allergy rules.

Camping Recipes

Double stuffed potatoes on a white plate

Cooking around the campground is a different beast. Travel stoves are slower to heat, cooking over the campfire is literally playing with fire (we couldn’t resist), and then there’s the question of perishables. We share our menus and plans to make your trip a little bit easier!

Potluck Recipes

Turkey mac and cheese

The Mamas love to share the duty of cooking when we get together. Here are some of our favourite dishes to bring!

Leftovers Re-Imagined

Festive Turkey Poutine

Cook once, feed twice! But why just re-heat when you can re-imagine? We love getting creative with leftovers. Here are some ideas!

Breakfast Recipes

Egg cups

Breakfast is your fuel for the day! Here are some ideas to get you and the kids going without creating more morning chaos.

Lunch Recipes

Muffin tin meal with a variety of food options

Lunch on the go or at home, this meal keeps you moving! We try to keep things unique and interesting to avoid too many mid-day complaints from the kids that just sap energy for the afternoon.


Pineapple Salsa

Why are appies so much more appealing for a meal than dinner? We love a good spread and will have appie themed potlucks! (Tip: you can serve appies as a side dish with dinner!)

Dinner Recipes

Lasagna roll ups in the pan

From the main meat to a comforting casserole, dinner is often a time for family to gather and reflect on the day – or scarf down between school and evening activities. Whichever camp your meal plan falls into, here are some ideas to help get you through!

Side Dishes

Sesame Green beans

Get in your greens and fibre with these delicious sides!


Spinach Strawberry Summer Salad

Did you know your blood sugar stays the most level when you start the meal with veggies? A starter or side salad is a great way to do this. Here are some ideas to make your plate more interesting!


Home made bone broth being strained

There’s something so comforting about a hot bowl of soup. Why not try one of these for your next meal?

Treat & Desert Recipes

Banana Bread in front of stand mixer

Sugar always wins with kids (and adults, too)! Satisfy your sweet tooth and placate the masses with these tasty treats!

Drink Recipes

Banana Lime Smoothie

Water is good for you, but pretty boring. Spice things up with these drink ideas!

pickled carrots supplies

Create a theme for the day, improve meal health, or discover a new technique with these miscellaneous food-related posts.

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We’re always looking to improve! Have you noticed a spelling or information error, know of something we left out, or would like to share anything else, reach out to us!