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Sesame Green Bean Recipe

Sesame Green beans

The summer harvest is beginning. Our gardens are lush with things like peas, tomatoes and beans. I love being able to pick from the garden and make something right away with it. This green bean recipe is super simple to make and has yummy healthy fats. The sesame oil adds a bit of nutty flavour, but if you don’t have any, olive oil works just perfectly. The way I cook the beans is all in one pan, since I don’t like doing any more dishes then I need to.


  • Green beans
  • 0.5-1 tbsp of sesame oil. Olive oil can be a substitute is you don’t have any!
  • 1-2 tsp of sesame seeds
  • 1-2 tbsp water
  • salt to taste


  1. Heat pan to medium heat.
  2. Add beans and water to the pan. This is my version of steaming them, saving a whole other pot that would need washing!
  3. Once the water has steamed/boiled out, add the sesame oil to the pan and cook until you see a bit of browning.
  4. Toss in sesame seeds and salt to taste and serve while still warm.

An easy side dish for dinner or in my case here lunch!


The Bitchin' Housewife

About the Author

Jen is a yoga teacher, fitness enthusiast and health blogger over at