Alright people. Mother’s Day is coming May 12, 2024. You are getting your fair warning.
On top of this warning, I’m going to help you out.
This is what your wife/partner/spouse REALLY wants for Mother’s Day. I asked my mama friends on Facebook, our contributors, and friends in person. (I happen to also be a mother!)
What Moms REALLY Want
And the theme I have concluded is: we want to feel appreciated and cared for.
The way we appreciate and care for others. I don’t need to tell you how hard Moms work. The mental workload, physical workload and social pressures can be seen on our faces most of the time, if not found in multiple blog posts and sappy commercials.
In all honesty, we just wanted it to stop. For one hour, one spa treatment, one day or weekend.
Many moms joked about just “wanting to be alone” or “doing whatever I want”. And it’s not because we don’t love motherhood. It’s the opposite in fact. We love it so much we give it our all. We worry, cry, hold strong, kiss boo boos, console, laugh and are squishy because we love it just so much.
All we ask, is that we feel someone is doing the same for us. For one hour, one spa treatment, one day or one weekend.
Free Gifts for Mom on Mother’s Day

We are all for cute hand made mugs (actually I would really love another) and flowers (they DO brighten the days following our “one special day”), but we NEED time to fill our cups again. Recharge. THAT is what we are really asking for.
- A clean house, that we didn’t clean, hear complaining about or have to clean up after tomorrow.
- Time alone in the bath without hearing “Mommy, what are you doing?” through the door.
- An outing, with or without mom, planned as something fun with the kids. That we had no hand in figuring out. We want the joy of our kids having fun – without us planning it.
- Things to think about: timing, transportation, the weather, food (lunch, snacks, etc, and try to hit most of the four food groups!), water, appropriate clothing, sunscreen, hats, shoes, coats.
- Ideas: a trip to the park, bake together (and clean up the mess!), go for a bike ride or a walk/hike, meeting up with other Dads and playing an organized sport together (moms can cheer from the sidelines with a Dad-and-kid packed picnic! Don’t forget something to sit on!).
Take the mental workload for a day. We want to step outside of our very big roles and feel safe to unload it onto you.
The mundane tasks, the grand tasks, and everything in between.
We don’t need fancy gifts as reminders we are good mothers. We want you to show us that you KNOW we are good mothers. Show us by walking in our shoes.
What Moms Say They Want
Andrea (Kids aged 12, 9, 7, 4) – “I would love to have my whole house purged and cleaned. And the support to do so.”
Allison (Kids aged 9, 7, 4) – “I’d love for my husband and kids to acknowledge the fact that they understand that I am the only reason the house is not falling apart.”
Patricia (Kids aged 28, 25, 23) – “Time. Time with my children.”
Holly – “I’d like a day where I could do whatever I want. Show up for a homemade meal with cake that I didn’t make.”
Erin (Kids aged 11, 10, 8, 5, 2) – “Hot Coffee and no obligations time to do what I want before family time.”
Poom (Kids aged 7, 5, 2) – “To pee in peace. Without interruption.”
Alli (Kids aged 2 and 1) – “I’d love a day to myself, no kids needing me for something. A day where I could go get pampered and then enjoy a quiet meal that I didn’t have to cook.”
Jenn (Kid aged 4) – “Time alone! An overnight stay in a hotel, spa day, just some me time!”

More Ideas for Mother’s Day Gifts
So you REALLY want to buy something for Mom? Among these requests a lot of Moms asked for:
- Family photos
- Family rings
- Family necklaces
- Spa day
- Massage (a great idea if money is tight and you have them covered by benefits – just book it and take care of the kids – maybe clean house while Mom is out!)
- Facial
- Cleaning service
- Plants
So all these request to me say, “I want some time to myself, reminders of my family, because this is the best job in the world and it will all make me better at it.”
This Mom’s Dream Mother’s Day
In case anyone is wondering. My ideal day would go as follows:
Wake up whenever I want. (which is usually before anyone else). Have coffee. When the kids wake up they wake up my husband before even coming downstairs.
Breakfast is made for me. Pancakes or french toast.
House is cleaned while I bathe.
My husband takes the kids out for lunch and something fun all afternoon. While I literally do whatever I want.
Meet them at family’s house or a restaurant for dinner with all family to celebrate our mom and all moms in the family.
Family snuggle time on the couch.
Watch a sappy movie with wine after the kids are in bed. Sleep. The end.
We all just wanted to feel fulfilled, appreciated and respected. That’s it.
Save your money.
Give us time.