I’m not keen on cats, but my kids loves them – checking out the Cat Cafe on Whyte Ave.
My youngest loves cats. LOVES them. I, however, do not want a cat. I’m sure cats are lovely but we have a dog and we do not need to add MORE to an already busy house. Which is why we are regulars at the Cat Cafe on Whyte Ave in Edmonton.
About the Cat Cafe on Whyte
The cats at the cafe are all adoptable! The Cat Cafe has partnered with SAFE so if you fall in love with a kitty while you’re there, (and you have the time, space and energy for a pet) this is a great way to get to know a cat before you adopt. As of this writing, 181 cats have been adopted from the Cat Cafe!
Some things to note before you go:
- You DO need a reservation to go to the Cat Cafe on Whyte, and there is a cost. Ages 13+ costs $15 and ages 7-12 $10. This price includes unlimited drinks, so go ahead and caffeinate yourself to the point where you can see sounds. OK, maybe don’t do this.
If you’d like to skip the cost, the first Sunday of each month admission is free for kids under 10 and their parents from 9-10AM! Reservations for this are mandatory.
- Wear socks, but if you forget there are socks to be purchased… but it’s cheaper if you bring your own.
Our Impressions
If my daughter was writing this she’d gush for 10,000 words on how it’s her favourite place on the planet. It has cats. It has hot chocolate. You can play with the cats. It’s the best place ever.
From a POV from someone that is a) not 10 and b) is a parent, here’s what you need to know.
Assuming you’ve seen cats on the internet or have met a few in real life, you’ll know that cats don’t give a *&%$ about you and that you’ve paid $25 for a latte and hot chocolate to see them. When you go to the cat cafe, know that the cats might completely ignore you. If there’s a kitten there, the chances of a “kitty interaction” are higher.
For younger children, remember cats don’t like being chased. Neither do the people drinking their $15 lattes. It’s not that you shouldn’t bring smaller kids, just know that this might not be the “relaxing while your angel is playing with cats” coffee shop experience that you’ve pictured. It’s just not. It’s more of a “relax while cats move around” kind of experience.
Don’t get me wrong, I’ve seen cats curl up on peoples laps, just not mine…it’s like they know I’m just not that into them.
Another great thing about the Cat Cafe, especially a young one like mine and is too young to volunteer at a shelter, this is a great way for them to interact with the animals and also, learn about animal boundaries (ie: leave the grumpy cat alone).
Have an older child that loves animals? Check with the Edmonton Humane Society, Calgary Humane Society or check with the shelter in your community about how kids can get involved.