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#MomCrushMonday: Interview with Monica Hui

Photo of Monica Hui on a mocha coloured chair with a white coffee cup in her hand.

Each month, we play 10 questions with one of Alberta’s most interesting mamas. This month we get to know Monica Hui!

Monica is a working mom in Calgary, Alberta, constantly looking for ways to do things faster and faster so that she can slow down to have pretend picnics with her daughter.

Land Acknowledgement

This land has welcomed First Nations from across Turtle Island, and settlers and visitors from around the world. Alberta lands are part of Treaties 4, 6, 7, 8 and 10, and the homeland of the Métis.

Alberta Mamas respects and celebrates the sovereignty, lands, histories, languages, knowledge systems and cultures of all Indigenous, Métis, and Inuit nations. We are striving to better listen, understand, and learn from the Indigenous ways of knowing, being and doing.

We are all Treaty people.

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Interview with Monica Hui

WAHM/D, SAHM/D, Work out of the home or other?

Work out of the home, full time in downtown Calgary!

# of Kids? Ages?

One daughter that is almost 4.5 years old but acts older and constantly reminding me of things I’ve forgotten to buy or do!

What movie makes you cry?

The first seven minutes of Up. (Yup, the cartoon)

Tell us about a mom/dad who inspires you?

My dad inspires me to be patient, selfless, and caring towards everyone.

What’s the fondest memory you have of your life as a mom/dad so far? The biggest challenge?

My fondest memory is seeing the proud look on my daughter’s face when she completed her gymnastics course at age 3.5 years old and was receiving her certificate. She was the last one to be called but waited patiently and walked up confidently!

The biggest challenge has been allowing her to do things on her own because she is now a “big girl.”

Would you rather be able to see 10 minutes into your own future or 10 minutes into the future of anyone but yourself? Why?

Definitely 10 minutes into my own future. If I like what I see, sweet! If I don’t, I will likely try to adjust and change my future. I’m super proactive.

You and your oldest child switch bodies for an hour. What do they do? What do you do?

My daughter would go out to my car and try to drive it. I would go take a nap.

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Find all of our inspiring Alberta moms here.

Find Monica on Facebook or Instagram @wishahmon where she shares her own personal experiences, mom tips, and DIY projects in hopes of helping other moms create an easier, prettier, and efficient mom life.

Pick up a copy of Monica’s book “You’ve Got This, Boss Mama: A Mother’s Guide to Embracing Growth and Living an Aligned Life“.

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