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Last minute teacher gifts for Christmas

We love teachers for all they do. Like, REALLY love them. Without teachers, you’d be teaching your kids quadratic equations. I do not possess enough patience to wait for them to get their shoes on in the morning, never mind teaching them math. Which is why at Christmas, I make sure I put some effort into choosing a good teacher gift.

We asked a bunch of teachers (my sister included) on what they’d appreciate this yule-tide season and they’ve given us the goods on what they want, what they really really want.

Need a gift that reflects your adoration for teaching your kid day in and day out? We’ve got that for you in the form of wine and gift cards.


Let’s face it. It’s Christmas and children are out of their MINDS right now. Imagine having 25-30 8 years old kids in one room every day a week before Christmas? No. me neither. Get that teacher some booze. Gift cards are a more “classy” way to bring some bubbly into the classroom, this way your kid isn’t walking around the playground with a bottle of pinot grigio, plus the teacher gets to pick the booze of their fancy.

Your teacher may not actually drink alcohol, so this might not be the best gift if you’ve never actually met the teacher.


Gift Cards

Sometimes you straight up don’t know your kid’s teacher, especially as your kids get older and you’re no longer needed (ie: wanted) in the classroom.

Gift cards are easy for a couple of reasons.

  1.  The recipient gets to choose their own present and what they need.
  2. You can buy gift cards online! 👌🏼

Sometimes the obvious places are the best, Chapters, Starbucks, and Timmies are really great options. If you know the teacher try shopping locally, or there’s always  Etsy gift cards

Teachers are often spending their own money on supplies needed for the classroom, so a gift card to Education Station might come in handy if you know that this is something they’d appreciate.


The Christmas Card

No matter what you get for your teacher this holiday season whether buying a gift or creating one (check here for DIY Christmas projects), a nice handwritten note or card from your child is the icing on the cake. As much as we love teachers it’s always nice to get a note or a drawing from a child, especially when they’re really little and their writing is the cutest.


Did you get your teacher a gift? Do you get them for karate and piano teachers too? How do you decide what to get them? Let us know in the comments.


Happy Shopping!

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