by Sue Em,
This year, we decided to kick off our 2017 hiking season in Kananaskis Country close to Bragg Creek. It is sometimes harder to know which hikes are appropriate for our family. We have an adventurous pre-teen and a six-year-old who is just gaining his hiking mojo. Getting a hike ‘just right’ in ability can be a little bit challenging. Sometimes we nail it, sometimes we don’t.

Our first hike this season, Braggin Rights was a challenging choice, to say the least! We chose to take Braggin Rights all the way up to Reconnect and down the loop via Long Distance. There were some fun switchbacks at the end of Long Distance, but they were largely downhill so, it kept the trail interesting enough for us.
Starting at the trailhead, there were already a large number of bicycles who were taking the same route, many families and adults use these trails so be aware of the bicycles coming down the hill above you.
The first part of the trail was largely between trees, and there wasn’t much of a view to be had. But as the trail twisted and turned, there were clearings and views to behold.

The spring flowers were already in full bloom so we had fun checking out some of the pretty purples and pinks that peeked out of the ground all around the trail.

When we finally got to the summit, it was a little disappointing only because we were still surrounded by trees all around us so the view, was only so-so. Everyone felt it was time to refresh with a quick snack before our descent.

Braggin’ Rights and Long Distance Trails were definitely a great workout for our winter feet, but I don’t think this would be a hike for us to repeat. The ‘payoff’ was not as big as a hike like Grassi Lakes or Grotto Canyon, but a good way to get to know the different parts of our hills here in Alberta’s K-Country.
After our hike, these hungry bears needed to eat something delicious – and Bragg Creek’s Italian Farmhouse was our first choice. We were looking forward to trying some good pasta and the restaurant did not disappoint!
Children enjoyed the Pizza and Meatballs pasta that were on the kids’ menu – and the grown-ups had a splendid time with some more pasta and chicken Caesar salad!

Sue Em writes because she loves words. Her blog is where she writes about all sorts of interests including crafting, books, writing, hiking, and food. Sometimes it is an opportunity for her to write about herself in the third person. Sue is a mama originally from Singapore who now calls Calgary, Alberta home. She enjoys life as a busy person who loves wearing many ‘hats’ – educator, homemaker, chef, maker, artist, traveler, and mom. You can also find her on Instagram @missusem. In real life, you can sometimes find her in Calgary working as a presenter and facilitator at the Telus Spark Science Centre. Because yes, she loves science too.