Our weather is crazy in Alberta and we usually get a lot of winter! Let’s get outdoor and enjoy it with the kids while we can. I hear it’s suppose to warm up a bit this weekend, so go out and enjoy before another cold snap!
- Scavenger hunt – Print off this winter scavenger hunt from CBC and go for a walk to find them.
- Paint in the snow – You can try mixing some food coloring and water into a squeeze bottle or check out this idea.
- Mini time capsule. Spend some time putting some stuff into a waterproof bag/container and bury it in the yard somewhere deep in the snow. When Spring comes around and the snow melts find it and open it up!
- Build a target toss game, like this epic one from Disney Family Crafts
- Play X’s and O’s in the snow. My daughter loves this game and we play over and over and over. I bet we could fill a whole field.
- Try snowshoeing. Check out your local nature center like the John Janzen!
- Hike around a local park. We did this fun Hike At Chickakoo Lake in Spring and my Dad used to take us when we were kids with cross country skis around it. You can look for birds and animals that are not in hibernation as a fun learning opportunity.
- Ice Skating. Check out your local community league or find an indoor one, depending on the weather.
- Have a bon fire and hot chocolate. Invite some friends over for a fire, roast marshmallows and have some hot chocolate.
- Try building a snow volcano, like this awesome looking one from Classy Clutter
- Freeze small toys in ice cube trays or tupperware containers and hide them in the backyard for a fun at home scavenger hunt.
- If it’s cold enough, try freezing bubbles! Take some bubble solution and blow bubbles softly onto snowy surfaces and watch them freeze!